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You know you've made it when...

Writer's picture: Carol Ann & Sharron AnnCarol Ann & Sharron Ann

This week has been a one we will never forget. If you follow us on social media then you know how darn busy we've been the last several weeks. This week we've been focusing on rehearsals for our show, Callaway-We-Go at Temple Hesed in Scranton on April 27th, 8pm. When we went to check out the space with Wolf, our sound master, we learned that there were billboards around Scranton advertising the show. We set out to find them and HOLY COW we did!

Our very first Billboard!

So what the heck makes this show special? Well, the music of course. We will be recreating the historic cabaret concert given by Ann Hampton Callaway and Liz Callaway. Sibling Revelry was a remarkable show first done in 1996 at NYC's Rainbow and Stars and the recording is one of the greatest gifts a couple of drag queens could get. And it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.

A few weeks ago we had a chance to see Liz and Ann perform their newest show, Broadway with the Callaways and to say we loved it would be a HUGE understatement. But after the show we got to spent time with these legends and they are as charming as they are talented.

Tom, Sharron Ann, Liz, Ann, Carol Ann Carol Ann, Chuck

Come out and join us at Temple Hesed for a drag show unlike any other you've seen. A drag concert where we play Liz and Ann. So we know we've made it because: 1. We have a billboard; 2. We've spent face time with The Callaways; 3. Liz and Ann haven't pressed any charges. Thank God for that last one!

Hope to see you all soon!!

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